Miqo'te / Viera Hybrid (Viqo'te)
The Bubbly Dancer

RP Venues

Times are listed in U.S. Central Time (CST/CDT ; UTC -6/-5)


Geminus Massage & Spa - Proprietress, Head Masseuse, Courtesan
Mateus, Lavender Beds, Ward 2, Subdivision Apt 68
> SFW & NSFW massages @ 500k per hour
> Openings are sporadic.
> Appointments available (click the link for times)


Moonlit Kiss - Dancer, Courtesan
Not enough RP for my liking.
Elysian Springs Spa - Bath Attendant, Masseuse
Lost interest in the venue.
Club Siren - Dancer, Courtesan
Left due to unprofessional and unethical administrative practices.
Serenity Springs - Bath Attendant, Courtesan
Closed due to administrative problems.


  • Name: Sapphire Geminus

  • Aliases: Saph, Gem

  • Race: Miqo'te / Viera Hybrid (colloquially referred to as Viqo'te)

  • Racial Body Features: Miqo'te tail, Viera ears instead of Miqo'te ears

  • Age: Mid-to-Late 20s

  • Height: 5'5" (taller than max-height female Miqo'te due to her genetics)

  • Sex: Female or Intersex (i.e. she always has everything a female does, and usually also a penis)

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Orientation: Lesbian and demiromantic/demisexual towards males (often shortened to bisexual for simplicity sake)

  • Relationship Status: In an open poly

  • Professional Skills: Courtesan, Masseuse, Dancer, Bard, Botanist, Fisher, Hunter, Miner

  • Massage Parlor


Introduces herself as Sapphire Geminus, but offers Saph or Gem as shorthands. Has been given other nicknames, such as Blue and Pancakes, but tends to prefer her own.


28 years old, 5'5" tall (which typically makes her taller than the tallest Miqo'tes). Sapphire's hair and tail is naturally blonde, the prior dyed with blue highlights. Her eyes are a bright blue, matching her namesake and usual choices of attire. She was born primarily with Miqo'te features, but instead of cat ears she sports the stark-white rabbit ears of a Viera. While slight muscle groups hint towards a dancer's physique, she's otherwise quite curvy and soft, with a large bust and wide hips.


Sapphire is very open and bubbly, especially so since getting over her fear of the public. She loves to utilize her experience as a Bard or Dancer to be eye candy and a soothing voice for those around. Sapphire is eager to make friends now that she's gotten the courage to get out of the house and finally conquered her shyness and awkwardness around strangers.Her memory is fairly bad, which is a direct result of my equally awful memory.Saph's love language is physical contact, both for giving and receiving, and so she cherishes physical displays of affection in her relationships.


Sapphire was born to a Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun) father and Viera (Rava) mother named Jade, both outcasts from their respective societies. They raised Sapphire in the woods of Gridania, a somewhat secluded life that led to her being oblivious to most of the traditions and life styles of her own people, let alone the realm at large.Born outside of her mother's homeland, she has never seen Viera woods and knows next to nothing about them, despite growing up in the forests of Gridania that surely instilled her mother with memories of them. While the Seekers of the Sun are not nearly as harsh on their outcasts as the Viera, she rarely visited any of the lands where her father's family settled in Eorzea. As a result, Sapphire knows little about the history of her ancestors, though she's never once complained.Her parents were killed during the Seventh Umbral Calamity, sundering any chance of getting more information on her heritage from the source. She took a long time to crawl out from under the trauma of losing her family, but once she regained her comfort level enough to appear in public once again she quickly reintegrated into society.


Her mother was a Dancer and her father was a Bard. Together, the two instilled the basics of each discipline during their time together. In the same vein, living primarily outside the Gridanian community meant they had plenty of time to teach Sapphire to hunt, forage, and mine for the resources they needed. While she has dabbled her hand in each of these areas for most of her young life, she is certainly a master of none.In keeping with her love language, Sapphire has spent a fair amount of time giving massages to her friends and loved ones. Although most of her practice has been recreational, the time she spent working as a masseuse for a spa gave her enough courage to open up her own small massage parlor.


  • A frequenter or employee of the Ul'dah guilds could know Sapphire as a previous resupplier of gatherable goods.

  • A regular of the Quicksands, Ul'dah's Adventurer's Guild, could know Sapphire as a frequent Dancer and Bard in the establishment.

  • A resident of Gridania could know Sapphire as a previous inhabitant that lived around the outskirts of the forest with her parents, but became a shut-in after the Calamity - only recently moving out and selling the land.

  • A frequenter of player-made RP venues could know Sapphire from one of these venues.

If your chosen hook involves directly meeting Sapphire previously, please run your idea by me OOCly before RPing it.


Hello! I'm a 21+ year old living in the U.S. Central Time (CST/CDT ; UTC -6/-5). I'm comfortable writing almost any kind of RP - casual, dark, erotic, or otherwise. With this character in particular, that often leads to 18+ material, as Sapphire is a natural flirt and quite sensual. However, she doesn't exist just for erotic content and I'm more than happy to lower her libido if it becomes a problem.If you'd like to RP with me, walk-ups are welcome but I'm easily overwhelmed by fast-paced public spaces, so send a tell to get my attention. Often, I will create a party to help reduce the clutter, as I have /party chat in a separate chat tab. If I'm not around, toss me a friend request on Discord - Werns#7197